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The promotion plan for Diversify Dialogue of National Green Life on the Net Zero in 2022-2023

This project is in line with the government's 2050 Net-Zero policy. The 10th strategic” Net Zero Green Living” is focusing on the daily lives of the public (food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, leisure, and shopping). It proposes 6 major aspects and 31 measures to establish an implementation method that the public can follow. To further understand the public's views on the” Net Zero Green Living”, a rolling amendment will be implemented on this action plan. This project organized three sessions of world café, these events collaborated with various sectors including industry, government, academia, and the public to discuss the direction of policy formulation for the” Net Zero Green Living”. This allowed for a rolling adjustment of the action plan and the publication of action guidelines for the public to follow and implement. Additionally, this project created a Net-Zero Green life for all Self-Study Handbook, which can be downloaded and used by the public for promotion. 3 Net-Zero Green Living orientations and two workshops were conducted as part of the promotion activities, engaging in dialogues with the public at the community level. This project also organized a creative submission activity and orientations for promoting the transition to a Net-Zero lifestyle, communicating with different age groups and attracting interested individuals to participate. A total of four theme songs and 50 graphic works were awarded, showcasing fruitful results that serve as valuable materials for future communication with the public. Furthermore, this project participated in the Net Zero City Expo from March 28th to 31st in 2023, engaging in learning and exchanging ideas with interested individuals from both foreign and domestic backgrounds groups, contributing to the international integration of a net-zero green lifestyle.
Net Zero , Green Life, Diversity Dialogue